Unfortunately, certain individuals or groups may sometimes exploit the suffering of families of missing persons in Syria to extract bribes based on false promises of release or information about their loved ones. Such individuals may impersonate or falsely represent the IIMP for such purposes. We would therefore like to clarify that:
- The IIMP has not yet begun registering cases of missing persons from family members. Further announcements will be made on this website when this process begins.
- The IIMP will never request a fee for its work.
- The IIMP has no staff members or representatives in Syria or its neighbouring countries. All staff are based in Geneva, Switzerland and use official UN email accounts ending with @un.org.
- Victims may always deal with the IIMP directly if they so choose, and there is no requirement for them to use any intermediary to communicate with us.
If you have any doubt, or have information about false representation of the IIMP, contact us at iimp-syria@un.org.