The IIMP is mandated to take a victim-centred approach, with full and meaningful participation and representation of victims – including survivors and families – across all areas of its work. This means that victims’ rights, agency, needs, wellbeing, safety, security, and dignity should be at the centre of any response to the violations they have suffered. Such an approach upholds victims’ rights and recognises them as rights holders and agents of change. This approach should inform the IIMP’s work at every stage, from high-level strategy decisions to day-to-day interpersonal interactions with victims.
The meaningful participation of victims is a necessary component of implementing a victim-centred approach. The ‘do no harm’ principle is another component of the victim-centred approach and guides all aspects of the IIMP’s work, aiming to prevent or limit potential negative consequences of the IIMP’s actions including in its engagement with victims.