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Gender sensitivity and inclusivity


The IIMP’s founding texts recognize the many gendered dimensions of the phenomenon of missing persons and require it to ground all aspects of its work in gender inclusivity and non-discrimination. For instance, the IIMP is required to conduct gender analysis across its programming, including identifying gender-differentiated reasons as to why persons go missing, the impact on their families, and in other risks and challenges.  

The IIMP has been paying close attention to gender inclusivity during its engagement with victims, including survivors and families. As required by its founding resolution, it continues to engage with women’s organizations and women-led victims’ associations. While women have been prominent in victim and survivor groups and in the calls for the establishment of the IIMP, the Institution is aware of gendered barriers to participation including unequal access to opportunities, stigma faced by some survivors, and the impacts of previous victimising experiences such as extortion and harassment. The IIMP will continue to engage with these groups to develop a dedicated strategy that works towards gender sensitivity and inclusivity in all aspects of its work, including participation.   

Gender considerations are also present at the institutional level of the IIMP. For instance, the IIMP’s staff are to be appointed with consideration to gender balance. The IIMP’s Head is required to demonstrate commitment to gender equality in the structure and work of the institution, and gender expertise has been integrated into the IIMP’s work from the very beginning.